Objects and complements

Keyword : Sastra Inggris, object, complements, English grammar

Generally, every language has the form thorugh which we can understand the existence of any constitutuent functions. The sentence, as one fo the form, directly defines this existence of consitutents and function at he same time. In English, the fundamental principle of traditional grammar is that every simple or declarative sentence consists of twho major constituents, a subject and a predicate (Lyons, 1974:334). Additionally, it may also contain object and/or compelement to optionally or compusorily complete the ideas of the sentences. The later two sometime bring confusions, wether in the forms or how they are characterized, to English learner in defining the functions int he sentences. This paper is expected to ease the confusion.

Description Alternative :

Generally, every language has the form thorugh which we can understand the existence of any constitutuent functions. The sentence, as one fo the form, directly defines this existence of consitutents and function at he same time. In English, the fundamental principle of traditional grammar is that every simple or declarative sentence consists of twho major constituents, a subject and a predicate (Lyons, 1974:334). Additionally, it may also contain object and/or compelement to optionally or compusorily complete the ideas of the sentences. The later two sometime bring confusions, wether in the forms or how they are characterized, to English learner in defining the functions int he sentences. This paper is expected to ease the confusion.

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